Sidste tilmeldingsfrist i morgen: Nordic Softball Camp

Invitation Nordic Softball Camp 2021

We invite players and coaches to a training camp beyond the ordinary!
For five days you will have the chance to learn from some of Europe’s best coaches who will be on site at Bosön!

The camp is aimed at both players and coaches where coaches have the opportunity to participate throughout the camp or only on the weekend. The camp is open to participants from Sweden and our Nordic neighbors and the number of participants is limited so first come, first served.

The camp will be hosted by Craig Montvidas who has coached both the Dutch, Greek and British national teams and also the head coach of the Pennsylvania Rebellion of the National Pro Fastpitch League.
Craig Montvidas, who is responsible for the ESCA training camps held by the European Softball Association, has agreed to come to Sweden and, together with a team, skilled international coaches to hold a training camp for both players and coaches.

We meet on Bosön at lunch on Wednesday 3/11 and have lunch on Sunday 7/11.
Food and accommodation are included in the price.
The accommodation is part of a quadruple room and the food is served in connection with Bosön’s fine facility. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee are included.
NOTE: No lunch on Wednesday or Sunday.

If you have questions – contact Sanna Hermansson:

Target group
Players between 14-22 years who want to develop their game, but the camp is also open to older age groups subject to availability.
Coaches who want to develop in their coaching.

Time: Wednesday 3/11 to Sunday 7/11
Location: Bosön

Prize for participants from other countries than Sweden

Wednesday – Sunday: 3500 SEK (Without accommodation 2500 SEK)
Friday – Sunday 2500 SEK (without accommodation 1500 SEK)

The registration fee is paid to Bankgiro 5786-3417 in connection with registration.
Limited number of places and first come, first served.

Registration no later than Friday 1 October at the following link:

NOTE! Registration is binding, if you cancel before October 6, you pay 1/3 of the cost and if you cancel after October 6, you pay the full price.

Link to Bosön:
Link to ESCA training camps:

Dansk Softball får Jessica Moore ombord

Jessica Moore, tidligere landsholdsspiller for Team USA og College Softball træner har tilbudt sin kompetence til Dansk Softballs elite.

Jessica, som netop er flyttet til Danmark i foråret, er bosat i Århus. Hun har være i dialog med bestyrelsen og har tilbudt sin assistance til forbundets eliteprogram, hvor hun vil bidrage med sin styrke og erfaring.

Jessica bliver fast tilknyttet vores Senior Herrelandshold, hvor hun i samarbejde med Valdemar Terkelsen vil stå i spidsen for holdets forberedelser til deres næste store mål, med vægt på VM ´22 i New Zealand og EM ´23 i Danmark.

Derudover får Jessica ansvaret for at opbygge vores U23 herrehold, med henblik på deltagelse ved EM ´22.

Jessica vil samtidig bidrage til arbejdet med at skabe en fælles softball filosofi for hele vores landsholdsprogram.

Udover disse roller, vil Jessica få en central rolle omkring opbygning af ny træneruddannelse.

Vi byder Jessica varmt velkommen og glæder os til samarbejdet!

Læs mere om Jessicas sportspræstationer i hendes udvalgte CV her: Jessica Moore

Pitch clinic med Jessica Moore d.1/9 hos Vandals

Jessica Moore kommer forbi Ballerups baner på onsdag d.1/9 kl.17.00 og står for en pitch clinic. Kom uanset niveau og husk at tage din egen catcher med.

Det koster 100kr og tilmelding sker via mobilepay (21657) – Husk at skriv navn og klub!

Sted: Balleups bane.
Varighed: 1 1/2 time. Start kl. 17.
HUSK: Medbring egen catcher.
Pris 100 kr. – Tilmelding er først gældende ved indbetaling via MobilePay (21657)



Vi søger frivillige til at vise vores sport frem for de besøgende på Experimentarium mandag d. 19. juli – torsdag d. 22. juli. Vi har brug for frivillige blandt alle jer, der elsker softball, til at give de besøgende en god oplevelse med softball.
Vores aktiviteter er batting i vores oppustelige batting cage samt kast og fielding ved siden af buret. Der vil være både kortere og længere tjanser, så tøv ikke med at melde dig og dine holdkammerater, så vi kan udnytte denne unikke mulighed for at promovere vores sport 🥎⚾️
Tilmeld dig som frivillig hos