Juniorturen, U12 og U15 DM aflyst

English below

Dansk Softball Forbund bakker naturligvis denne beslutning op 100%, selvom vi ved, at rekord mange børn vil kede af det. 
Der er allerede en del, der har meldt fra til Juniorturen efter tilmeldningsfristen (eller slet ikke meldt sig til). Der er således udbredt bekymring om det sundhedsmæssige i forhold til turens afvikling, selvom den ligger noget ud i fremtiden. På den baggrund vælger vi allerede nu at aflyse årets Juniortur. Det er rigtig ærgeligt for det er traditionsrig tur, som jeg ved mange spillere har set frem til, men som sagen står, er jeg sikker på, at alle forstår.
Juniorudvalget vil i stedet søge at lave lave et brag af udendørsstævne i stedet lidt senere på foråret – et oplagt tidspunkt kunne være i perioden, hvor juniorturen skulle have fundet sted ( 21.- 24. maj) . Det vender vi snarest tilbage med.

Det vender vi snarest tilbage med.

Dear Klubs, dear teams,
Because of the nature of the gyms available for the U12 DM, the hosts Ballerup has decided to cancel the event. The spectators and the waiting players will be packed to densely in consideration of the current Coivd19/Corona virus outbreak. 
The same goes for U15 DM and we than Giants for their prompt action here.
Of course, the Danish Softball Federation backs this decision 100% although we know that a record breaking number of children will be disappointed.
The fact that a number of participants have withdrawn their participation in this year’s Junior Tour (or not signed up at all), tells us that there is widespread concern for the health and safety of this trip although it is still a bit into the future. Based on this we have decided to cancel this year’s trip already now. It is a pity. It is a long standing tradition and I know that a lot of players have been looking forward to it. However, considering the current situation, I am sure everybody understands.
The Junior Committee is looking to replace with a big outdoor event a little later in the Spring – a possible time slot could be from May 21st -24th when the Junior Tour should have taken place.
We will revert as soon as possible with more information.