Cookie and privacy policy at The Danish Softball Federation

When you visit our website, information about you is collected, which is used to customize and improve our content and to create more value in the advertisements displayed on the page. If you do not wish for information about you to be collected, you should delete your cookies and refrain from further use of the website. In the sections below, we have elaborated on what information is collected, their purposes, and which third parties have access to them.


The website uses "cookies", which are text files stored on your computer, mobile device, or equivalent, with the purpose of recognizing it, remembering settings, performing statistics, and targeting advertisements. However, cookies cannot contain harmful code such as viruses. We typically collect and process the following types of information: a unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet, or mobile phone, your IP address, geographic location, and which pages you click on.
It is possible for you to delete or block cookies. You can do this by following this guide:
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General Information on the Danish Softball Association's Handling of Personal Data

Danish Softball Association's Data Responsibility
As we in the Danish Softball Association process personal data about you, we have adopted this privacy policy, which briefly explains how we process your personal data to ensure fair and transparent processing.
Throughout our data processing, we only process personal data for specific purposes and based on legitimate interests. We only process personal data that is relevant and necessary to fulfill the specified purposes, and we delete your information when it is no longer relevant.


Contact Information for Us, as Data Controllers
The Danish Softball Association is responsible for your personal data, and we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with the law.
Our contact information is:

Dansk Softball Forbund:
Contact person: Ejnar Mikkelsen
Address: Idrættens Hus, Brøndby Stadion 20, 2605 Brøndby
CVR: 17498274
Phone number: 62 65 61 21
Mail: or

Whose Personal Data Do We Process?
We process personal data about: Leaders, Coaches, Instructors, Players.


What Personal Data Do We Process?
Vi behandler følgende personoplysninger:

Almindelige personoplysninger:

  • Contact information such as name, address, telephone number, and email address, date of birth, gender, and nationality
  • Other information about positions of trust, other duties in relation to the association, and bank account number
  • Personal data assigned a higher level of protection:
    • CPR-number
    • Information about criminal offenses when obtaining a criminal record certificate

Here we collect information from:

  • Usually, we receive the information from you. In some cases, it may be from other sources:


Your club
Public authorities, e.g., necessary tax information for salary payments

Sports umbrella organizations, e.g., information about club transfers, suspensions, and course participation
The Association's Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data
We process your personal data for specific purposes when we have a legal basis.

Legal bases for processing are particularly:

  • The association's legitimate interests (the balancing of interests rule)
  • Necessary to fulfill a contract with you
  • Processing according to legal requirements
  • Processing with consent

Purposes of processing information on leaders, coaches, instructors, and players:

  • Handling the coaches', leaders', instructors', or players' duties and obligations in the Association
  • Overview of and improvement of experiences and competencies, including courses
  • Fulfillment of legal requirements
  • Payment of salaries, allowances, refunds, and the like
  • Administration of your relationship with us in connection with the association's activities

We only process personal data based on legitimate interests.

To the extent that we process your information based on the balancing of interests rule, this processing will only be motivated by legitimate interests such as:

  • Exercise of sports activities, including preparation of team cards, team line-ups, internal result lists, etc.
  • Handling your membership rights according to the bylaws, etc., including in relation to the general assembly
  • Holding social events, sports activities, and other activities
  • Use of situational images taken in the association, depicting a specific activity or situation in the association/Association
  • Disclosure of your common personal data to specialized associations in the National Olympic Committee or to our international federations ESF and WBSC, to the extent relevant and necessary, in connection with sports activities