
Baseball5 is a smaller version of the two more well-known games, baseball and softball, offering a fast, fun, and highly inclusive game that everyone can quickly get started with.

There are five players on a team, and the more technical elements such as pitching and batting have been removed from the game. There is no downtime because the game starts whenever someone hits the ball. This makes the game very suitable for new players who can quickly get started with the fun, run bases, and score points.

You hit the ball with your hand, which is the size of a rubber tennis ball. Otherwise, you run around the bases as you know from baseball and softball and score points by making a complete circuit, touching all the bases in the order of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home.

To transition from fielding to hitting and running bases, you need to make three outs. These can be made by throwing the ball to the bases that the runners are trying to reach before they get there or by tagging runners who are not safe on a base. The batter can also be out by making illegal hits, such as not hitting the ball, hitting it out of bounds, over the fence, or stepping out of the batter's box before finishing the hit.


The game is played in 5 innings, with each inning consisting of both teams batting and fielding. The game can be played anywhere, indoors or outdoors, on grass, asphalt, or sand. Everything can be adjusted to fit the surroundings you have. However, an official field has 13 meters between the bases and an additional 5 meters to a fence, and the batter's box is 3×3 meters.

No gloves are used, and all you need is a ball and some bases or similar markers, and you are ready to play at school, during recess, or at a family gathering.

The federation has played on various surfaces in different locations, some of which are mentioned here:

Distortion in the streets of Copenhagen
Indoor halls
On grass in Fælledparken
Softball fields on gravel

Udstyr og øvelser til skoler

The Danish Softball Federation has purchased Baseball5 equipment bags so that schools or others can quickly get started with the game. 

An equipment package costs 350 DKK.

An equipment package contains:

A bag
Two balls
A set of bases

Man kan finde inspiration til undervisningen i vores toolkit med øvelser og vejledning, som er udviklet af det internationale baseball5 forbund og oversat til dansk.

You can also read all the rules here (på engelsk)