
Licenses are ordered/created here
You won't receive an email confirmation, but you can immediately see your license here.

However, it's not finally valid until it's approved by the office.
Regarding deadlines for license creation, the rules in the Tournament Regulations apply.
By the way, it's the time of creation of the license request that determines the creation time.

Age Limits
1st Division Men: Players must be 15 years old.
2. div. herrer: spillerne skal være fyldt 14 år.
U19: Players must not be 20 years old.
Women: Players must be 14 years old.
The age limits apply as of January 1st of the respective year.
Ønsker man at benytte yngre spillere, kræver det en dispensation fra Forbundet. Se here

Club changes
A player who has not played any matches in the last 12 months can freely change clubs without quarantine.
A player who has played matches within the last 12 months will receive a 60-day quarantine, counted from the last played match for the old club.
A player who changes clubs later than 14 days before the team registration deadline can only play matches for the new club after June 30th of the same year.
En spiller, der flytter landsdel i løbet af sæsonen og ønsker klubskifte, kan typisk  – efter ansøgning – få dispensation for karantæne.
Ved klubskifte eller udmeldelse udfyldes et klubskifteskema. Se Bilag 2 – klubskifteskema. Dette skema udfyldes eller tilsvarende information indsendes til Forbundet pr. email. Forbundet underretter dernæst spilleren, den gamle klub og den nye klub (hvis denne er opgivet).  Hvis en karantæne skal undgås, skal klubskifteskemaet være Forbundet i hænde senest 14 dage før holdtilmeldingsfristen.

Skærmbillede 2020-08-27 kl. 11.21.04