softball, baseball, rundbold flere sider af samme sjove sport
The better the coaches – the better the players and clubs
The role of the coach is incredibly important, and it is significant that the coach is equipped through education to undertake the task of teaching softball.
Do you want tools to create the most fun softball training? Do you want to become a better coach? Then the DSoF’s coaching education is the first step on the path.
The education is divided into three levels and is offered based on need and demand. You can find more about the Danish Softball Federation’s coaching education here. here.
Are you interested in becoming a softball umpire? Then contact the umpire committee to learn more about the educational opportunities. You can read more about umpire education here. dommerudvalget og hør nærmere om mulighederne for uddannelse. Du kan læse mere om dommeruddannelser here.
Volunteers and Leaders
Dansk Softball Forbund udbyder løbene kurser og workshops i diverse temaer.
Du kan også få inspiration fra DIF’s mange e-kurser here.
Er der ikke det du leder efter hører vi gerne fra dig og udbyder gerne nye når der er efterspørgsel. Skriv til